Wednesday, 3 February 2010

During Filming - Not Just a Flu

Now beginning with my filming, I have began buying equipment, objects and clothing that is needed for my 2 minute intro.

I listed everything i would need to bring when I began filming. Below is the list and why I need each item.
Fake Blood: I Have learnt to make fake blood by using flour, water, red colouring and chocolate powder. I need fake blood to add effect to the zombies and the survivors.
Powder/Flour: Needed to make the infected pale and more realistic.
2 Cameras: I need 2 to be able to film one section with two cameras angles.
Towels: Needed for the actors.
Guns and other weapons(fake) : The actor Lewis, who plays Greg will supply all guns.
Torches: Needed for the (gun) shop scene.
Newspaper: A Self made Newspaper is needed for the first scene of the intro.

When I began planning my first draft of the intro. In my first draft i was planning on using a large field which contains a large shed. Because of changing my script I have decided to change the intro

(Picture unavailable at the moment)
For the newspaper scene, I filmed this just outside my house on an empty street. The street contained no cars or people which was really helpful when filming this scene. I also decided to film another section of this intro on the same street (This is the scene were it takes the viewers four hours before the very beginning).