Due to the amount of time I had left to finish this introduction and also due to the main character (Lewis) being on holiday, I had to think of another idea. I had the chance to do some filming with my sister and her daughter (My Neice). Unfortunatly we was unable to film the introduction and make it exactly the same as the script. We still stook to the same storyline (Zombie virus spreading across the world) but the script was nothing like the old one as we did not have the props and enough people to do the original script.
We filmed all scenes twice or more in different angles each scene. Also we was unable to contain a tripod, meaning all shots were in hand held camera angle (I did want alot of scenes in hand held anyway). below, are all the small scenes that we filmed and how many times we filmed it.
Scene one- Survivor enters the house cautious, as she walks away she is unaware of a small table sidwards on the floor and trips over it. Two shots were filmed for this in different positions.
Scene Two- As she gets up from falling over an infected young girl comes down the stairs and sees her. The survivor is unaware of the girls appearance. Two shots were filmed in two different locations.
Scene Three- As the survivor gets up she looks around, finds a golf club and then spot the girl. This was filmed around 6 times due to different camera angles and some mistake in certain shots.
Scene Four- Survivor looks again and the girl has disapeared (the viewer knows that the house is possibly haunted, but the survivor thibnks she's seeing things.) Took 3 shots to film all in different positions.
Scene Five- Survivor looks into the kitchen and find a water tap, she desperatly runs toward it and turns it on. Another shot is filming outside the house where you can hear the tap running. The viewer does not spot the same girl who is outside lying on the floor. Goes back to the survivor who is drinking the water with her hands (The viewer then understands that she has been desperate for water). Last shot again showing the outside of the house, The viewer can only just hear the tap turn off. Took 3 seperate shots to film this scene.
Scene six- Survivor looks outside and sees the girl on the floor. She instantly drops the golf clubs and goes to aid the girl. 2 Scenes to film this scene, both in different positions.
Scene Seven- Survivor is feeling the girls pulse and checking to see if the girl is still alive. The girl then awakens and screams at the survivor, who then panics and backs away. 3 attempts to film this scene, two successful, one being an outtake.
Scene Eight- Little girl grabs the survivor by the neck and pushes her onto the floor. Took one shot.
Scene nine- Survivor is trying to escape from the "zombie" girl who is on her. The girl then spits blood onto the survivors face. This Took 2 attempts, one sucessful
Scene ten- The girl bites the survivor in the neck, From that, blood begins streaming out of the survivors neck. Two shots, one of the bite and one of the blood streaming out of her neck
Scene ten- Ends the introduction with the survivor who is now a zombie and the girl walking away. One shot.
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